❶ 会计科目英文缩写
a/c, A/C account 帐户、帐目
a/c, A/C account current 往来帐户、活期存款帐户
A&C addenda and corrigenda 补遗和勘误
Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兑
Accrd.Int accrued interest 应计利息
Acct. account 帐户、帐目
Acct. accountant 会计师、会计员
Acct. accounting 会计、会计学
Acct.No. account number 帐户编号、帐号
Acct.Tit. account title 帐户名称、会计科目
ACN air consignment 航空托运单
a/c no. account number 帐户编号、帐号
Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兑
A/CS Pay. accounts payable 应付帐款
A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 应收帐款
ACT advance corporation tax 预扣公司税
ACU Asia Currency Unit 亚洲货币单位
A.C.V actual cash value 实际现金价值
a.d., a/d after date 开票后、出票后
ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定资产分组折旧法
Adv. advance 预付款
ad.val.,A/V ad valorem to (according value)从价
Agt. agent 代理人
Agt. agreement 协议、契约
AJE adjusting journal entries 调整分录
Amt. amount 金额、总数
Ann. annuity 年金
A/P account paid 已付账款
A/P account payable 应付帐款
A/P accounting period 会计期间
A/P advise and pay 付款通知
A/R account receivable 应收帐款
A/R at the rate of 以……比例
a/r all risks (保险)全险
Arr. arrivals, arrived 到货、到船
A/S, a/s after sight 见票即付
A/S,acc/s account sales 承销帐、承销清单,售货清单
ass. assessment 估征、征税
assimt. assignment 转让、让与
ATC average total cost 平均总成本
ATM at the money 仅付成本钱
ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机(柜员机)
ATS automated trade system 自动交易系统
ATS automatic transfer service 自动转移服务
Attn. attention 注意
Atty. attorney 代理人
auct. auction 拍卖
Aud. auditor 审计员、审计师
Av. average 平均值
a.w. all wool 纯羊毛
BA bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票
bal. balance 余额、差额
banky. bankruptcy 破产、倒闭
Bat battery 电池
b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券
B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿
B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票
b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费
b.c. blind 密送的副本
BC buyer credit 买方信贷
B/C bills for collection 托收汇票
B.C. bank clearing 银行清算
Bd. bond 债券
B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据
B/D bank draft 银行汇票
b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天
B/E bill of entry 报关单
b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票
BEP breakeven point 保本点、盈亏临界点
b/f brought forward 承前
BF bonded factory 保税工厂
Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人
B/G, b/g bonded goods 保税货物
BHC Bank Holding Company 银行控股公司
BIS Bank of International Settlements 国际清算银行
. A. chartered accountant; chief accountant 特许会计师、主任(主管)会计师
C. A. commercial agent 商业代理、代理商
C. A. consumers' association 消费者协会
C/A capital account 资本帐户
C/A current account 往来帐
C/A current assets 流动资产
C. A. D cash against documnet 交单付款
can. cancelled 注销
cap. capital 资本
CAPM capital asset pricing model 固定资产计价模式
C. A. S. cost accounting standards 成本会计标准
c. b., C. B. cash book 现金簿
CBD cash before delivery 先付款后交货
C. C. cashier's check 银行本票
C. C contra credit 贷方对销
c/d carried down 过次页、结转下期
❷ 英文翻译
business scope of the bank:
(一)吸收公众存款; absorb the public deposit
(二)发放短期、中期和长期贷款;provide short-term、mid-term and long-term loan (三)办理国内外结算; handle account settlement both at home and abroad
(四)办理票据承兑与贴现; handle bill acceptance and discount
(五)发行金融债券;grant financial bond
(六)代理发行、代理兑付、承销政府债券;the authority to act for issuing,cashing and consigninggovernment bond
(七)买卖政府债券、金融债券; buy and sell government bond and financial bond(八)从事同业拆借; offerinter-bank loan
(九)买卖、代理买卖外汇; buy and sell foreign exchange as well as act for it
(十)从事银行卡业务; do the business of bank card
十一)提供信用证服务及担保; provide service and guarantee of letter of credit
(十二)代理收付款项及代理保险业务; the authority to act for payment and receipt of money and for the insurance business
(十三)提供保管箱服务; provide safekeeping service
(十四)经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务。other business approved by the banking supervison and administration institution of state council
❸ 请教高手,英语翻译 债务融资工具承销业务市场
Debt financing instruments underwriting business market
❹ 投资银行的ECM, ED, CMD, 和IBD分别指的是什么部门或职务 大概职责是什么
1、ECM=Equity Capital Market 资本市场部门
2、CMD=Capital Market Department 资本市场部门,叫法不同
3、IBD=Investment Banking Department 投资银行部门
4、ED=Executive Director,执行董事
投资银行(Investment Banks)是与商业银行相对应的一类金融机构,主要从事证券发行、承销、交易、企业重组、兼并与收购、投资分析、风险投资、项目融资等业务的非银行金融机构,是资本市场上的主要金融中介。
❺ 英文翻译成中文,请英语人才多多指点,谢谢
❻ 求常用的经济术语的英文缩写及简要解释
a/c, A/C account 帐户、帐目
a/c, A/C account current 往来帐户、活期存款帐户
A&C addenda and corrigenda 补遗和勘误
Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兑
Accrd.Int accrued interest 应计利息
Acct. account 帐户、帐目
Acct. accountant 会计师、会计员
Acct. accounting 会计、会计学
Acct.No. account number 帐户编号、帐号
Acct.Tit. account title 帐户名称、会计科目
ACN air consignment 航空托运单
a/c no. account number 帐户编号、帐号
Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兑
A/CS Pay. accounts payable 应付帐款
A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 应收帐款
ACT advance corporation tax 预扣公司税
ACU Asia Currency Unit 亚洲货币单位
A.C.V actual cash value 实际现金价值
a.d., a/d after date 开票后、出票后
ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定资产分组折旧法
Adv. advance 预付款
ad.val.,A/V ad valorem to (according value)从价
Agt. agent 代理人
Agt. agreement 协议、契约
AJE adjusting journal entries 调整分录
Amt. amount 金额、总数
Ann. annuity 年金
A/P account paid 已付账款
A/P account payable 应付帐款
A/P accounting period 会计期间
A/P advise and pay 付款通知
A/R account receivable 应收帐款
A/R at the rate of 以……比例
a/r all risks (保险)全险
Arr. arrivals, arrived 到货、到船
A/S, a/s after sight 见票即付
A/S,acc/s account sales 承销帐、承销清单,售货清单
ass. assessment 估征、征税
assimt. assignment 转让、让与
ATC average total cost 平均总成本
ATM at the money 仅付成本钱
ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机(柜员机)
ATS automated trade system 自动交易系统
ATS automatic transfer service 自动转移服务
Attn. attention 注意
Atty. attorney 代理人
auct. auction 拍卖
Aud. auditor 审计员、审计师
Av. average 平均值
a.w. all wool 纯羊毛
BA bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票
bal. balance 余额、差额
banky. bankruptcy 破产、倒闭
Bat battery 电池
b.b. bearer bond 不记名债券
B.B., B/B bill book 出纳簿
B/B bill bought 买入票据、买入汇票
b&b bed & breakfast 住宿费和早餐费
b.c. blind 密送的副本
BC buyer credit 买方信贷
B/C bills for collection 托收汇票
B.C. bank clearing 银行清算
Bd. bond 债券
B/D bills discounted 已贴现票据
B/D bank draft 银行汇票
b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括头尾两天
B/E bill of entry 报关单
b.e., B/E bill of exchange 汇票
BEP breakeven point 保本点、盈亏临界点
b/f brought forward 承前
BF bonded factory 保税工厂
Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人
B/G, b/g bonded goods 保税货物
BHC Bank Holding Company 银行控股公司
BIS Bank of International Settlements 国际清算银行
. A. chartered accountant; chief accountant 特许会计师、主任(主管)会计师
C. A. commercial agent 商业代理、代理商
C. A. consumers' association 消费者协会
C/A capital account 资本帐户
C/A current account 往来帐
C/A current assets 流动资产
C. A. D cash against documnet 交单付款
can. cancelled 注销
cap. capital 资本
CAPM capital asset pricing model 固定资产计价模式
C. A. S. cost accounting standards 成本会计标准
c. b., C. B. cash book 现金簿
CBD cash before delivery 先付款后交货
C. C. cashier's check 银行本票
C. C contra credit 贷方对销
c/d carried down 过次页、结转下期
CD certificate of deposit 存单
C/I certificate of insurance 保险凭证
CIA certified internal auditor 注册内部审计员
c. i. f. , C. I. F. cost, insurance and freight 到岸价,货价+保险+运费
C. I. T. comprehensive income tax 综合所得税
Ck. check 支票
C. L. call loan 短期拆放
C / L current liabilities 流动负债
C. M. A. certificed management accountant 注册管理会计师
CMEA, Comecon Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助委员会
CML capital market line 资本市场线性
CMO Collateralised Mortgage Obligations 担保抵押贷款债务
CMV current market value 现时市场价值
CN consignment note 铁路运单
CN credit note 贷方通知书
c/o carried over 结转后期
C. O., C/O cash order 现金汇票、现金订货
C. O. certificate of origin 产地证明书
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language 通用商业语言
CoCom Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls 多边出口控制协调委员会
c. o. d, C. O. D. cash on delivery 货到付款
Col. column 帐栏
Coll. collateral 担保、抵押物
Coll. collection 托收
Com.; comm. commission 佣金
CPI consumer price index 消费者价格指数
CPM cost per thousand 每一千个为单位的成本
CPP current purchasing power 现行购买力
CR current rate 当日汇率、现行汇率
CR cash receipts 现金收入
CR class rate 分级运费率
CS civil servant; civil service 公务员、文职机关
CS convertible securities 可转换证券
C. S. capital stock 股本
cum. pref. cumulative preference (share) 累积优先(股)
cur. curr. current 本月、当月
CV convertible security 可转换债券
CVD countervailing ties 抵消关税、反倾销税
C.V. P. analysis Cost Volume Profit analysis 本---量---利分析
DB method declining balance (depreciation) 递减余额折旧法
D. C. F. method discounted cash flow method 现金流量贴现法
D/D document.ry draft 跟单汇票
D. D.; D/D demand draft 即期汇票
EERI Effective Exchange Rate Indexes of Hong Kong 港汇指数
EET East European Time 东欧时间
EF export finance 出口融资
EF Exchange Fund 外汇基金
EFT electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐
EFTA European Free Trade Area (Association) 欧洲自由贸易区(协会)
EGM Extraordinary Genaral Meeting 特别股东大会
EIB Export-Import Bank 进出口银行
EIL WB Economic Integration Loan 世界银行经济一体化贷款
EL export license 出口许可证
ELI extra low impurity 极少杂质
EMF European Monetary Fund 欧洲货币基金
EMIP equivalent mean investment period 等值平均投资期
EMP end-of month payment 月末付款
EMP European main ports 欧洲主要港口
EMS European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系
EMS express mail service 邮政特快专递
EMU European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟
EPOS electronic point of sale 电子销售点
EPR earnings price ratio 收益价格比率
EPR effective protection rate 有效保护率
EPS earnings per share 每股收益额、每股盈利额
E. P. T excess profit tax 超额利润税
EPVI excess present value index 超现值指数
EPZ export processing zone 出口加工区
ERM exchange rate mechanism 汇率机制
ERS Export Refinance Scheme 出口再融资计划
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan 职工持股计划
EUA European Units of Account 欧洲记帐单位
ex.; exch exchange 汇兑、况换
excl. exclusive 另外、不在内
ex cont. from contract 从合同
ex cp. ex coupon 无息票
ex div. ex dividend 无股息
FDI foreign direct investment 外商直接投资
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦储蓄保险公司
FE foreign exchange 外汇
FE future exchange 远期外汇
FF French franc 法国法郎
fib free into barge 驳船上的交货价
FIBC financial institution buyer credit policy 金融机构买方信贷险
FIFO first in, first out 先进先出法
fin. stadg.(stndg.) 资信状况
fin. stat. (F/S) 财务报表
fin.yr. financial year 财政年度
FINA following items not available 以下项目不可获得
FIO free in and out 自由进出
F. I. T free of income tax 免交所得税
GAAP general Accepted Accounting Principles 通用会计准则
GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standard 通用审计标准
GAC General Administration of Customs 海关总署
gal., gall gallon 加仑
gas. gasoline 汽油
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定
GCL government concessional loan 政府优惠贷款
GDP gross domestic proct 国内生产总值
gds. goods 商品、货物
GJ general journal 普通日记帐
GL general ledger 总分类帐
gm. gram(s) 克
GMP graated payment mortgage 递增付款按揭
GND gross national demand 国民总需求
GNE gross national expeditures 国民支出总额
GNP gross national proct 国民生产总值
GOFO gold forward rate 黄金远期利率
GP gross profit 毛利
GPP general purchasing power 总购买能力
gr. (grs.) gross weight 毛重
GR gross revenue 毛收入
GS gross sales 销售总额
GSP generalised system of preferences 普惠制
GTM good this month 本月有效
GTW good this week 本星期有效
HAB house air bill 航空托运单
HAWB house air waybill 航空托运单
HCA historical cost accounting 历史成本会计
hdqrs. headquarters 总部
hg. hectogram 一百公克
HIBOR Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate 香港银行同业拆借利率
hifo highest-in, first-out 高入先出法
H. in D. C. holder in e course 正当持票人
Hi-Q high quality 高质量
HIRCS high interest rate currencies 高利率货币
hi-tech high technology 高技术
HKD Hong Kong dollar 香港元
HKI Hong Kong Index 香港指数
hl. hectoliter 百升
hldg. holding 控股
Hon'd honored 如期支付的
HSCPI Hang Seng Consumer Price Index 恒生消费价格指数
HSI Hang Seng Index 恒生指数
hwevr. however 无论如何
Hz hertz 赫兹
I. A. intangible assets 无形资产
I & A inventory and allocations 库存和分配
IAS International Accounting Standard 国际会计标准
IB investment banking 投资银行(业)
I. B. invoice book 发票簿
IBA International Bank Association 国际银行家协会
IBBR interbank bid rate 银行间报价利率
I. B. I invoice book inward 购货发票簿
IBNR incurred but not reported 已发生未报告
I. B. O. invoice book outward 销货发票簿
IBOR inter-bank offered rate 银行间的拆借利率
ICB international competitive bidding 国际竞标
ICIA International Credit Insurance Association 国际信用保险协会
ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法庭
ICM international capital market 国际资本市场
ICONs index currency option notes 指数货币期权票据
ICOR incremental capital-output ratio 资本—产出增量比
I. C. U. International Code Used 国际使用的电码
❼ 求一些财务管理常用指标的英文缩写
AAA 美国会计学会
Abacus 《算盘》杂志
abacus 算盘
Abandonment 废弃,报废;委付
abandonment value 废弃价值
abatement ①减免②冲销
ability to service debt 偿债能力
abnormal cost 异常成本
abnormal spoilage 异常损耗
above par 超过票面价值
above the line 线上项目
absolute amount 绝对数,绝对金额
absolute endorsement 绝对背书
absolute insolvency 绝对无力偿付
absolute priority 绝对优先求偿权
absolute value 绝对值
absorb 摊配,转并
absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户
absorption costing 摊配成本计算法
abstract 摘要表
abuse 滥用职权
abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目
ACCA 特许公认会计师公会
accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本收回制度
accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法,快速折旧法
acceleration clause 加速偿付条款,提前偿付条款
acceptance ①承兑②已承兑票据③验收
acceptance bill 承兑票据
acceptance register 承兑票据登记簿
acceptance sampling 验收抽样
access time 存取时间
accommodation 融通
accommodation bill 融通票据
accommodation endorsement 融通背书
account ①账户,会计科目②账簿,报表③账目,账项④记账
accountability 经营责任,会计责任
accountability unit 责任单位
Accountancy 《会计》杂志
accountancy 会计
accountant 会计员,会计师
accountant general 会计主任,总会计
accounting in charge 主管会计师
accountant,s legal liability 会计师的法律责任
accountant,s report 会计师报告
accountant,s responsibility 会计师职责
account form 账户式,账式
accounting ①会计②会计学
accounting assumption 会计假定,会计假设
accounting basis 会计基准,会计基本方法
accounting changes 会计变更
accounting concept 会计概念
accounting control 会计控制
accounting convention 会计常规,会计惯例
accounting corporation 会计公司
accounting cycle 会计循环
accounting data 会计数据
accounting doctrine 会计信条
accounting document 会计凭证
accounting elements 会计要素
accounting entity 会计主体,会计个体
accounting entry 会计分录
accounting equation 会计等式
accounting event 会计事项
accounting exposure 会计暴露,会计暴露风险
accounting firm 会计事务所
Accounting Hall of Fame 会计名人堂
accounting harmonization 会计协调化
accounting identity 会计恒等式
accounting income 会计收益
accounting information 会计信息
accounting information system 会计信息系统
accounting internationalization 会计国际化
accounting journals 会计杂志
accounting legislation 会计法规
accounting manual 会计手册
accounting objective 会计目标
accounting period 会计期
accounting policies 会计政策
accounting postulate 会计假设
accounting practice 会计实务
accounting principle 会计原则
Accounting Principle Board 会计原则委员会
accounting proceres 会计程序
accounting profession 会计职业,会计专业
accounting rate of return 会计收益率
accounting records 会计记录,会计簿籍
Accounting Review 《会计评论》
accounting rules 会计规则
Accounting Series Release 《会计公告文件》
accounting service 会计服务
accounting software 会计软件
accounting standard 会计标准,会计准则
accounting standardization 会计标准化
Accounting Standards Board 会计准则委员会(英)
Accounting Standards Committee 会计准则委员会(英)
accounting system ①会计制度②会计系统
accounting technique 会计技术
accounting theory 会计理论
accounting transaction 会计业务,会计账务
Accounting Trend and Techniques 《会计趋势和会计技术》
accounting unit 会计单位
accounting valuation 会计计价
accounting year 会计年度
accounts 会计账簿,会计报表
account sales 承销清单,承销报告单
accounts payable 应付账款
accounts receivable 应收账款
accounts receivable aging schele 应收账款账龄分析表
accounts receivable assigned 已转让应收账款
accounts receivable collection period 应收账款收款期
accounts receivable discounted 已贴现应收账款
accounts receivable financing 应收账款筹资,应收账款融资
accounts receivable management 应收账款管理
accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率,应收账款周转次数
accretion 增殖
accrual basis accounting 应计制会计,权责发生制会计
accrued asset 应计资产
accrued expense 应计费用
accrued liability 应计负债
accrued revenue 应计收入
accumulated depreciation 累计折旧
accumulated dividend 累计股利
accumulated earnings tax 累积盈余税,累积收益税
accumulation 累积,累计
acid test ratio 酸性试验比率
acquired company 被盘购公司,被兼并公司
acquisition 购置,盘购
acquisition accounting 盘购会计
acquisition cost 购置成本
acquisition decision 购置决策
acquisition excess 盘购超支
acquisition surplus 盘购盈余
across-the-board 全面调整
ACT 预交公司税
act 法案,法规
action 起诉,诉讼
active account 活动账户
active assets 活动资产
activity 业务活动,作业
activity account 作业账户
activity accounting 作业会计
activity ratio 业务活动比率
activity variance 业务活动量差异
act of bankruptcy 破产法
act of company 公司法
act of God 天灾,不可抗力
actual capital 实际资本
actual value 实际价值
actual wage 实际工资
added value 增值
added value statement 增值表
added value tax 增值税
addition 增置,扩建
additional depreciation 附加折旧,补提折旧
additional paid-in capital 附加实缴资本
additional tax 附加税
adequate disclosure 充分披露
adjunct account 附加账户
adjustable-rate bond 可调整利率债券
adjusted gross income 调整后收益总额,调整后所得总额
adjusted trial balance 调整后试算表
adjusting entry 调整分录
adjustment 调整
adjustment account 调整账户
adjustment bond 调整债券
administrative accounting 行政管理会计
administrative budget 行政管理预算
administrative expense 行政管理费用
ADR 资产折旧年限幅度
ad valorem tax 从价税
advance 预付款,垫付款
advance corporation tax 预交公司税
advances from customers 预收客户款
advance to suppliers 预付货款
adventure 投机经营,短期经营
adverse opinion 反面意见,否定意见
adverse variance 不利差异,逆差
advisory services 咨询服务
affiliated company 联营公司
affiliation 联营
after closing trial balance 结账后试算表
after cost 售后成本
after date 出票后兑付
after sight 见票后兑付
after-tax 税后
AGA 政府会计师联合会
age 寿命,账龄,资产使用年限
age allowance 年龄减免
age analysis 账龄分析
agency 代理,代理关系
agency commission 代理佣金
agency fund 代管基金
agenda 议事日程,备忘录
agent 代理商,代理人
aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表
aggregate income statement 合并损益表
AGI 调整后收益总额,调整后所得总额
aging of accounts receivable 应收账款账龄分析
aging schele 账龄表
agio 贴水,折价
agiotage 汇兑业务,兑换业务
AGM 年度股东大会
agreement 协议
agreement of partnership 合伙协议
AICPA 美国注册公共会计师协会
AIS 会计信息系统
all capital earnings rate 资本总额收益率
all-inclusive income concept 总括收益概念
allocation 分摊,分配
allocation criteria 分配标准
allotment ①分配,拨付②分配数,拨付数
allowance ①备抵②折让③津贴
allowance for bad debts 呆账备抵
allowance for depreciation 折旧备抵账户
allowance method 备抵法
all-purpose financial statement 通用财务报表,通用会计报表
alpha risk 阿尔法风险,第一种审计风险
altered check 涂改支票
alternative accounting methods 可选择性会计方法
alternative proposals 替代方案,备选方案
amalgamation 企业合并
American Accounting Association 美国会计学会
American depository receipts 美国银行证券存单,美国银行证券托存收据
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 美国注册会计师协会,美国注册公共会计师协会
American option 美式期权
American Stock Exchange 美国股票交易所
amortization ①摊销②摊还
amortized cost 摊余成本
amount 金额,合计
amount differ 金额不符
amount e 到期金额
amount of 1 dollar 1元的本利和
analysis 分析
analyst 分析师
analytical review 分析性检查
annual audit 年度审计
annual closing 年度结账
annual general meeting 年度股东大会
annualize 按年折算
annualized net present value 折算年度净现值
annual report 年度报告
annuity 年金
annuity e 期初年金
annuity in advance 预付年金
annuity in arrears 迟付年金
annuity method of depreciation 年金折旧法
antedate 填早日期
anticipation 预计,预列
anti-dilution clause 防止稀释条款
anti-pollution investment 消除污染投资
anti-profiteering tax 反暴利税
anti-tax avoidance 反避税
anti-trust legislation 反拖拉斯立法
A/P 应付账款
APB 会计原则委员会
APB Opinion 《会计原则委员会意见书》
Application 申请,申请书
applied overhead 已分配间接费用
appraisal 估价
appraisal capital 评估资本
appraisal surplus 估价盈余
appraiser 估价员,估价师
appreciation 增值
appropriated retained earnings 已拨定留存收益,已指定用途留存收益
appropriation 拨款,指拨经费
appropriation account ①拨款账户②留存收益分配账户
appropriation budget 拨款预算
approval 核定,审批
approved account 核定账户
approved bond 核定债券
A/R 应收账款
arbitrage 套利,套汇
arbitrage transaction 套利业务,套汇业务
arbitration 仲裁,公断
arithmetical error 算术误差
arm,s-length price 正常价格,公正价格
arm,s-length transaction 一臂之隔交易,正常交易
ARR 会计收益率
arrears ①拖欠,欠款②迟付
arrestment 财产扣押
Authur Anderson & Co. 约瑟?安德森会计师事务所,安达信会计师事务所
article 文件条文,合同条款
articles of incorporation 公司章程
articles of partnership 合伙契约
articulate 环接
articulated concept 环接观念
artificial intelligence 人工智能
ASB 审计准则委员会
ASE 美国股票交易所
Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
Asian dollar 亚洲美元
asking price 索价,卖方报价
assessed value 估定价值
assessment ①估定,查定②特别税捐,特别摊派税捐
asset 资产
asset cover 资产担保,资产保证
asset depreciation range 资产折旧年限幅度
asset-liability view 资产—负债观念
asset quality 资产质量
asset retirement 资产退役,资产报废
asset revaluation 资产重估价
asset stripping 资产剥离,资产拆卖
asset structure 资产结构
asset turnover 资产周转率
asset valuation 资产计价
assignment of accounts receivable 应收账款转让
associated company 联属公司,附属公司
Association of Government Accounting 政府会计师协会
assumed liability 承担债务,承付债务
AT 税后
at cost 按成本
at par 按票面额,平价
at sight 见票兑付,即期兑付
attached account 被查封账户
attachment 扣押,查封
attest 证明,验证
attestation 证明书,鉴定书
audit 审核,审计
auditability 可审核性
audit committee 审计委员会
audit coverage 审计范围
audited financial statement 审定财务报表,审定会计报表
audit evidence 审计证据,审计凭证
Audit Guides 《审计指南》
auditing ①审计②审计学
auditing procere 审计程序
auditing process 审计过程
auditing standard 审计标准,审计准则
Auditing Standards Board 审计准则委员会
Auditor 审计员,审计师
auditor general 审计主任,总审计
auditor,s legal liability 审计师法律责任
auditor,s opinion 审计师意见书
auditor,s report 审计师报告,查账报告
❽ 跪求简单会计知识和会计用语(中英文)
货币资金 Cash
结算备付金 Provision of settlement fund
拆出资金 Funds lent
交易性金融资产 Financial assets held for trading
应收票据 Notes receivable
应收账款 Accounts receivable
预付款项 Advances to suppliers
应收保费 Insurance premiums receivable
应收分保账款 Cession premiums receivable
应收分保合同准备金 Provision of cession receivable
应收利息 Interests receivable
其他应收款 Other receivable
买入返售金融资产 Recoursable financial assets acquired
存货 Inventories
其中:原材料 Raw material
库存商品 Stock goods
一年内到期的非流动资产 Non-current assets maturing within one year
其他流动资产 Other current assets
发放贷款及垫款 Loans and payments on behalf
可供出售金融资产 Available-for-sale financial assets
持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments
长期应收款 Long-term receivables
长期股权投资 Long-term equity investments
投资性房地产 Investment real estates
固定资产原价 Fixed assets original cost
减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated depreciation
固定资产净值 Fixed assets--net value
减:固定资产减值准备 Less:Fixed assets impairment provision
固定资产净额 Fixed assets--net book value
在建工程 Construction in progress
工程物资 Construction supplies
固定资产清理 Fixed assets pending disposal
生产性生物资产 Bearer biological assets
油气资产 Oil and natural gas assets
无形资产 Intangibel assets
开发支出 Research and development costs
商誉 Goodwill
长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses
递延所得税资产 Deferred tax assets
其他非流动资产 Other non-current assets
其中:特准储备物资 Physical assets reserve specifically authorized
短期借款 Short-term borrowings
向中央银行借款 Borrowings from central bank
吸收存款及同业存放 Deposits from customers and interbank
拆入资金 Deposit funds
交易性金融负债 Financial assets held for liabilities
应付票据 Notes payable
应付账款 Accounts payable
预收款项 Advances from customers
卖出回购金融资产款 Funds from sales of financial assets with repurchasement agreement
应付手续费及佣金 Handling charges and commissions payable
应付职工薪酬 Employee benefits payable
其中:应付工资 Including:Accrued payroll
应付福利费 Welfare benefits payable
其中:职工奖励及福利基金 Including:Staff and workers' bonus and selfare
应交税费 Taxes and surcharges payable
其中:应交税金 Including:Taxes payable
应付利息 Interests payable
其他应付款 Other payables
应付分保账款 Cession insurance premiums payable
保险合同准备金 Provision for insurance contracts
代理买卖证券款 Funds received as agent of stock exchange
代理承销证券款 Funds received as stock underwrite
一年内到期的非流动负债 Non-current liabilities maturing within one year
其他流动负债 Other current liablities
长期借款 Long-term loans
应付债券 Debentures payable
长期应付款 Long-term payables
专项应付款 Specific payable
预计负债 Accrued liabilities
递延所得税负债 Deferred tax liabilities
其他非流动负债 Other non-current liablities
其中:特准储备基金 Authorized reserve fund
实收资本(股本) Registered capital
国家资本 National capital
集体资本 Collective capital
法人资本 Legal person's capital
其中:国有法人资本 Including:State-owned legal person's capital
集体法人资本 Collective legal person"s capital
个人资本 Personal capital
外商资本 Foreign businessmen's capital
减:已归还投资 Less:Returned investment
实收资本(或股本)净额 Registered capital--net book value
资本公积 Capital surplus
减:库存股 Treasury stock
专项储备 Special reserve
盈余公积 Surplus reserve
其中:法定公积金 Including:Statutory accumulation reserve
任意公积金 Discretionary accumulation
储备基金 Reserved funds
企业发展基金 Enterprise expension funds
利润归还投资 Profits capitalised on retum of investments
一般风险准备 Provision for normal risks
未分配利润 Undistributed profits
外币报表折算差额 Exchange differences on translating foreign operations
归属于母公司所有者权益合计 Total owners' equity belongs to parent company
少数股东权益 Minority interest
其中:营业收入 Including:Sales from operations
其中:主营业务收入 Including:sales of main operations
其他业务收入 Income from other operations
利息收入 Interest income
已赚保费 Insurance premiums earned
手续费及佣金收入 Handling charges and commissions income
其中:营业成本 Including: Cost of operations
其中:主营业务成本 Including:Cost of main operations
其他业务成本 cost of other operations
利息支出 Interest expenses
手续费及佣金支出 Handling charges and commissions expenses
退保金 Refund of insurance premiums
赔付支出净额 Net payments for insurance claims
提取保险合同准备金净额 Net provision for insurance contracts
保单红利支出 Commissions on insurance policies
分保费用 Cession charges
营业税金及附加 Sales tax and additions
销售费用 Selling and distribution expenses
管理费用 General and administrative expenses
其中:业务招待费 business entertainment
研究与开发费 research and development
财务费用 Financial expenses
其中:利息支出 Interest expense
利息收入 Interest income
汇兑净损失(净收益以“-”号填列) Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions (less exchange gain)
资产减值损失 Impairment loss on assets
加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列) Plus: Gain or loss from changes in fair values(loss expressed with "-")
投资收益(损失以“-”号填列)Investment income(loss expressed with "-")
其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 Including: Investment income from joint ventures and affiliates(loss expressed with "-")
汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列) Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions s(loss expressed with "-")
三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS
加:营业外收入 Plus: Non-operating profit
其中:非流动资产处置利得 Gains from disposal of non-current assets
非货币性资产交换利得 Gains from exchange of non-monetary assets
政府补助 Government grant income
债务重组利得 Gains from debt restructuring
减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expenses
其中:非流动资产处置损失 Including:Losses from disposal of non-current assets
非货币性资产交换损失 Losses from exchange of non-monetary assets
债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring
减:所得税费用 Less: Income tax expenses
五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) NET PROFIT (LOSS EXPRESSED WITH "-")
归属于母公司所有者的净利润 Net profit belonging to parent company
少数股东损益 Minority interest
基本每股收益 Basic EPS
稀释每股收益 Diluted EPS
归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额 Consolidated income belonging to parent company
归属于少数股东的综合收益总额 Consolidated income belonging to Minority shareholders
营业总收入中:出口产品销售收入 Including overall sales:sales income of export procts
营业总成本中:出口产品销售成本 Including overall costs:sales cost of export procts
❾ 请教几个有关金融的专业术语英语怎么说