A. 基金會的英文拼寫是
An institution founded and supported by an endowmen
An organization established to administer and manage a sum of money
B. 世界自然基金會的英文介紹哦!(謝謝``很急) 不要太長!簡單的介紹一下就行!60詞左右!謝謝
世界自然基金版會權:World Wide Fund For Nature(WWF)
WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature,by:
1,conserving the world's biological diversity
2,ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
3,promoting the rection of pollution and wasteful consumption
C. 基金會英文怎麼說
fundamental association
D. 香港言愛基金會地址
海南省教育復廳面向全國統一招聘制的"瓊中民族思源實驗學校"的校長是一個 "無學無術" "無法無天" " 變態"的校長!!!海南瓊中民族思源實驗學校 誤人子弟!!!海南瓊中民族思源實驗學校是一個"文革校園"!!!!!!誰 來 救 救 <海南瓊中民族思源實驗學校> 的 教師和陔子們??? ! ! !
E. 介紹聯合國兒童基金會(英文)
The United Nations International Children's Fund (or UNICEF) was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name. Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
F. 誰能告訴我這些基金會的英文名及作用
Red cross Society of china 中國紅十字會是中華人民共和國統一的紅十字會組織,是從事人道主義工作的社會救助團體,是國際紅十字運動的重要成員。中國紅十字會以發揚人道、博愛、奉獻的紅十字精神,保護人的生命和健康,促進人類和平進步事業為宗旨。
G. 「我會收養很多貧困大學生,讓他們上學。我還會捐款給那些愛心基金會」翻譯成英文
I will support the poor college students for their ecation. I will also donate money to those charitable organizations.
H. 公益慈善基金會翻譯成英文應該怎麼翻譯,專業的來,在線翻譯的就別來了Public welfare charity foundation
Public-Benefit Charity Foundation
I. 福建省關愛工程慈善基金會翻譯成英文怎麼翻譯合適專業的來,不要直接網上那種翻譯的。謝謝
Love-Project Charities Aid Foundation Of FuJian Province
其中:關愛工程的翻譯可以輕微調整,如使用 care、 concern 等詞彙。
J. 中華人民共和國、美國、中央電視台、基金會的英文縮寫
中華人民共和國:PRC(People's Republic of China)
美國:USA或US(United States of America)
中央電視台:CCTV(China Central Television)
基金會(你說的是國際基金組織?)國際基金組織:IMF(International Monetary Fund)