『壹』 中國兒童基金會英語作文怎麼寫
The United Nations International Children's Fund (or UNICEF) was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11,1946,to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II.
『貳』 自然陽光有個慈善基金會叫什麼名字
『叄』 世界自然基金會簡單的信 英語作文
Natural foundation in the world was
on September 11, 1961
Its purpose is environmental protection and salvation wildlife
Now various pollution's becoming is getting more serious, many animals are losing their homes
We want to obstruct these affair occurrence hard
Make the world become
live ground, is our jobs.
『肆』 求高中英語作文:一次難忘的慈善活動!
In this week's Sunday, the University of charity volunteers, the Maple Leaf on behalf of the school to reach homes for the elderly to see where the stars of old people.
This is a memorable experience, the old people kind of smiling face, as if reminds me of my grandparents, because the sun was shining outside and so we arm the old people go to parks in the vicinity of Ziyang in the sun. The elderly because of the body is not very good, action is not very convenient, so we have a side of the students, held on to the elderly, we have to slow down and try to accompany the elderly. When in the park for the elderly to rest, we will sit in the sun. I like the old grandmother, like holding my hand and I chat. I am the time spent on such a hurry, we are reluctant to part of the afternoon to leave the homes for the elderly.
In this unforgettable experience, I see a lot of strangers need warmth, love need, we should give more people-friendly.
『伍』 求一篇關於慈善晚會的英語作文
新華社北京6月28日電題:「我們向著陽光走!」——「抗震救災英雄少年」頒獎晚會側記 新華社記者吳晶李菲 舞台上,時鍾正倒計時進入5月12日14時28分。演員中,有的手臂殘缺,有的只能坐在輪椅上。他們都同聲唱著「我不哭,媽媽就不哭」。 6月27日晚,「抗震救災英雄少年」頒獎晚會有個特殊的開頭——在地震中失去右臂的8歲小姑娘王彬身穿白色紗裙,和主持人一起喊出了「現在開始」。 勇敢的少年是這場晚會的主角。通過電視短片,人們再一次閱讀著他們的故事。 今年9歲的許中政在黑暗中度過了28個小時。在睡夢中,他夢見吃方便麵撕不開包裝,醒來才發現是在扯自己的衣服。當他發現救他們的老師昏過去後,他帶頭和同學們唱起國歌。 這個平常在老師眼中學習好但很調皮的孩子,在危難來臨的時候,大聲唱國歌。就是靠著這歌聲,老師和同學們在黑暗中找到更多同伴,最終引來了搜救隊。許中政說:「國歌開頭的『起來』二字,代表我們都想一起站起來走出這片廢墟。」 忍受著成年人都難以想像的恐懼、絕望,他們掙扎著求生,尋找陽光可以透射的縫隙,像絕壁處的小草,迸發出生命的力量。 薛梟和馬小鳳在廢墟下被埋80多個小時仍相互鼓勵。馬小鳳被救出後,薛梟仍然要求救援人員每幾分鍾呼喚他一次,被救出後還「要喝可樂」。失去右手的他打算「還是一樣地面對生活」。 為他們佩戴花冠的中國作協主席鐵凝說:「我非常感動,震撼。這是一種非同尋常的激勵。」 從沒見過的地動山搖,把他們的房屋震垮;從沒上過的生死一課,讓他們一夜長大。主持人白岩松說,在地震中,他們失去了很多,也得到了很多。 堅強的少年得到的是全國乃至世界的感佩。從6月16日零時啟動「抗震救災英雄少年」評選到6月21日24時結束,網路和手機投票多達5000多萬張,網上感言評論多達10餘萬條。 一位來自湖南的網友說:「英雄少年的先進事跡是最鮮活的教材,我們都應該為他們投上一票。」 身體並不健壯的馬健硬是用4個小時的徒手挖掘,把同學救出,背上了山;自小嚴重毀容並殘疾的張春玲,右手5指只剩2個關節,把她救出的同學背到開闊地帶;個頭矮小的林浩,背出一個又一個同學…… 接過獎牌,他們露出的還是成功救出同學時的陽光微笑。給予他們的掌聲再熱烈,也壓不住歌曲《孩子的力量》——誰說小小的肩膀承擔不起太多的重量,誰說孱弱的身軀它不夠堅強。 還有兩個小英雄,她們的故事只能由別人代講——五年級的學生宋雪和鄒雯櫻,還沒走入人生的花季,為了救同學犧牲了自己。 白岩松說:「不知他們在天堂中能不能聽到我們的講述。只要講述還在,他們就活在故事裡,活在我們的心裡。」 黑暗,終將從孩子們的心裡遠去;陽光,才真正屬於這樣的年紀。王樊每天編6個竹筐子,每個賣8角錢,用來幫助家境困難的同學,「自己也會感到快樂」;童世強在學校的黑板上畫一顆紅心,和同學們一起寫下「讓我們的心在一起」。 地震發生後,很多丟失戶口本的孩子要求把自己的生日改為5月12日。他們對失去子女的老師說:「我就是您的孩子。」聽到這里,參加晚會演出的銀河少年電視藝術團的很多小演員都流下了眼淚。 由中央電視台主持人集體朗誦的詩歌《感動》似乎道出觀眾們的心聲:「可愛的孩子,把可愛的中國生動地矗立在大災面前,廢墟之上。」 「兄弟你一定要挺住,只要活著就有希望!」「大哥,我相信你!」這是北川中學的申龍、王佳明和王亮在營救其他同學時的對話。 學校殘缺的牆壁,處處留著災難的印記;教學樓上懸垂的「團結」,提醒著孩子們共同戰勝災難的榮光。三個大個子的男孩,肩並肩站在領獎台上,彷彿就像北川的鴿子樹,在地震中屹立不倒。 他們身著的寫有北川中學字樣、繪有中國地圖的T恤衫,以及代表羌族自治縣的紅色小馬甲,也讓人們看到北川的希望,中國的希望。 在和英雄少年們共同演唱歌曲《少年強》時,來自陳經綸中學嘉銘分校的小演員孫天寧格外認真。帶隊的老師說,孩子們是在用心學習同齡人的堅強,他們要做自己的榜樣。 舞台上,林浩表達著希望頭發快點長出來的調皮願望;北京一家醫院里,張春玲已開始接受整容手術;申龍、王佳明等4位同學從北京大學、清華大學等高校的校長手中接過了保送通知。 災難終將過去,還給你們的一定是明媚的陽光——申龍把晚會詩朗誦中的這句話記在了心裡。他說:「我們要永遠向著陽光走!」
『陸』 高二年級的學生自願者去陽光敬老院英語作文
Last Sunday we went to visit the Old People's Home. We set out early in the morning and brought them lots of warmness. We gave them many books and lots of fruits. We talked with them happily and told them lots of interesting stories. We helped them wash their clothes and clean the rooms. We even taught them how to use computers. We were very happy and so were the old. When we had to say goodbye to them, they really didn't want us to go. They thanked us a lot and we really moved by them. Although we did very little,it meant a lot to the old. So next time, if we had chance, we would come again.
Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly
On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Crade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing
Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and
respectfully they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning
the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.
When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said
it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.
Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own
By Chen Jie, School Newspaper
『柒』 關於中國兒童慈善基金會的英語作文
Children's Foundation of China
phr. [child] 的復數形式;孩子
And it is not for children.
This room was designed for the children/designed as a children's playroom.
The children shouted
n. 基礎;地基;建立;基金會;粉底
That rumour has no foundation/is without foundation in fact.
The foundations have caved in.
Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church.
n. 瓷,瓷料;瓷製品,瓷器
China Green Outlook
Is it a China-made hat?
The china flioured yesterday .
『捌』 英語作文 造成基金會貪污的問題有哪些
If we surrender to this time as nature intended, we allow ourselves to slow down, sleep more, and lower the volumes on our busy minds. At the same time,
we crave company in our dwellings, and the insulated warmth of the hearth tends to bring people together
『玖』 英文怎麼講陽光私募基金
private offering sunshine fund
『拾』 寫一份有關聯合國兒童基金會工作報告的英語作文
[child] 的復數形式。 foundation是什麼意思. 那謠言沒有事實根據;s Foundation of China children是什麼意思。 Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church. 它並不是為孩子准備的;瓷製品. 地基下陷. 這個房間預定留給孩子們用;建立;is without foundation in fact. 基礎,瓷料。 The children shouted 孩子們齊聲大喊「是」。 This room was designed for the children/: n. The foundations have caved in? The china flioured yesterday 。 china是什麼意思: phr;s playroom;留作孩子們的游戲室. 昨天那個陶瓷摔碎了,瓷器 China Green Outlook 中國綠色瞭望 Is it a China-made hat. 獾在這座教堂的地基處打了洞: n. 瓷;孩子 And it is not for children;基金會;粉底 That rumour has no foundation/? 這是中國制的帽子嗎;designed as a children': Children'中國少年兒童基金會的英文;地基