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① 理財英文的英標怎麼寫

Financial practice 理財

② 關於理財的不同看法英語作文帶翻譯

Joozone Note:本文作者為「冰蠱」,作文地帶將如何理財一文放出來供大家參考,與作者一起分享英語寫作的快樂!‍
‍How to budget your money well?

Most students can not make ends meet at the end of every month. Usually, it』s not because they haven』t got enough money, but because of their careless way of spending it. Due to this, it』s necessary for us to form a good habit of consumption. One of the effective ways is to budget our money responsibly. So how can we manage it?
To start with, we need to work out the total amount of money we have. Only with the exact figure is it possible for the following steps.
The second step is to determine the expenditures, carefully and comprehensively. First of all, make a list and divide the money into several parts based on where it is spent, such as food, clothes, transportation and so on. Pay attention that the items of the list should not be too generous or too detailed. And then, take notes of every day』s expense and compare it with the list. Check your list if necessary so as to make it more reasonable. For example, you need to arrange more money to buy the books at the beginning of each term, and when December comes, the expense on gifts will be greater than usual. Once the list is done, try your best to balance the budget. From Joozone.com.
In addition, a good list should always include a special budget in case of emergency. So that when an accident happens unexpectedly, there won』t be so much worry about money.

By the way, budget is not the work for those rich guys only. It is more a matter of attitude. As soon as you learn to carefully plan the expense of money, with the right method and positive attitude, you will live as well as a rich people.

③ 理財與投資的英文怎麼翻譯

Financial management and Investment

④ 要求是有關投資理財專業的文章或者章節,翻譯成英文

Advise Tommy on whether he should buy the new portfolio using his own money or by borrowing the funds. Tommy wants to know what the advantages and disadvantages of each method is, and in particular the way in which margin lending works. as he has never used this form of borrowing before.
Assuming Tommy does decide to use a margin lending to fund his portfolio, he is uncertain as to which bank he should borrow the money from.
Prepare a report for Tommy that explains how his new portfolio can be constructed using funds from each of the following 4(four)institutions, and what the requirements of each of the institutions in relation to margin lending


⑤ 投資理財用英文怎麼說,同時想問一下有什麼好的理財產品可以選擇么

投資理財英文是:financial investment,好的理財品的話,你我貸是一個可以的選擇,它的風險低,收益也很高,理財產品也蠻多的 。

⑥ 理財產品英文怎麼說

理財,英文:Financial management或者Conct financial transactions

⑦ 理財是什麼 英文怎麼講

理財(Financing)指的是對財務(財產和債務)進行管理,以實現財務的保值、增值為目的。理財分為公司理財、機構理財、個人理財和家庭理財等。理財和學校財務管理專業相似;理財英文:Financial management或Financing;「海外貿易」:OVERSEAS TRADE;


  1. 理財是理一生的財,不僅僅是解決燃眉之急的金錢問題而已。

  2. 理財是現金流量管理,每一個人一出生就需要用錢(現金流出),也需要賺錢來產生現金流入。因此不管是否有錢,每一個人都需要理財。

3. 理財也涵蓋了風險管理。因為未來的更多流量具有不確定性,包括人身風險、財產風險與市場風險,都會影響到現金流入(收入中斷風險)或現金流出(費用遞增風險)。



  1. 到銀行、證券公司理財需開立相應理財賬戶。一般而言,通過銀行開通的理財賬戶可以辦理儲蓄類產品和銀行理財產品以及基金類產品,大型銀行還可通過銀行系統購買。由於銀行網點分布較廣,通過銀行渠道開立的投資理財賬戶可到銀行櫃台辦理。

  2. 證券公司開立的理財賬戶可用於股票(包括A股、B股、H股等)、債券(包括國債、企業債、公司債等)、期貨(包括金融期貨如股指期貨、外匯期貨等,商品期貨如黃金期貨、農產品期貨等)等一系列的投資理財工具的投資。證券賬戶的開立可到各證券公司營業部辦理,需要在交易日內辦理。

  3. 投資公司的手續比較方便,一般只需要提供自己的身份證和銀行卡復印件。投資公司也會為客戶定製專屬理財計劃。

⑧ 投資與理財 英語怎麼說


⑨ 投資理財,用標准英語怎麼說

investment plans
financial management


⑩ 金融投資理財英文簡稱是什麼

投資理財協會:Investment and Finance Association



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