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AAA 美國會計學會
Abacus 《算盤》雜志
abacus 算盤
Abandonment 廢棄,報廢;委付
abandonment value 廢棄價值
abatement ①減免②沖銷
ability to service debt 償債能力
abnormal cost 異常成本
abnormal spoilage 異常損耗
above par 超過票面價值
above the line 線上項目
absolute amount 絕對數,絕對金額
absolute endorsement 絕對背書
absolute insolvency 絕對無力償付
absolute priority 絕對優先求償權
absolute value 絕對值
absorb 攤配,轉並
absorption account 攤配賬戶,轉並賬戶
absorption costing 攤配成本計演算法
abstract 摘要表
abuse 濫用職權
abuse of tax shelter 濫用避稅項目
ACCA 特許公認會計師公會
accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本收回制度
accelerated depreciation method 加速折舊法,快速折舊法
acceleration clause 加速償付條款,提前償付條款
acceptance ①承兌②已承兌票據③驗收
acceptance bill 承兌票據
acceptance register 承兌票據登記簿
acceptance sampling 驗收抽樣
access time 存取時間
accommodation 融通
accommodation bill 融通票據
accommodation endorsement 融通背書
account ①賬戶,會計科目②賬簿,報表③賬目,賬項④記賬
accountability 經營責任,會計責任
accountability unit 責任單位
Accountancy 《會計》雜志
accountancy 會計
accountant 會計員,會計師
accountant general 會計主任,總會計
accounting in charge 主管會計師
accountant,s legal liability 會計師的法律責任
accountant,s report 會計師報告
accountant,s responsibility 會計師職責
account form 賬戶式,賬式
accounting ①會計②會計學
accounting assumption 會計假定,會計假設
accounting basis 會計基準,會計基本方法
accounting changes 會計變更
accounting concept 會計概念
accounting control 會計控制
accounting convention 會計常規,會計慣例
accounting corporation 會計公司
accounting cycle 會計循環
accounting data 會計數據
accounting doctrine 會計信條
accounting document 會計憑證
accounting elements 會計要素
accounting entity 會計主體,會計個體
accounting entry 會計分錄
accounting equation 會計等式
accounting event 會計事項
accounting exposure 會計暴露,會計暴露風險
accounting firm 會計事務所
Accounting Hall of Fame 會計名人堂
accounting harmonization 會計協調化
accounting identity 會計恆等式
accounting income 會計收益
accounting information 會計信息
accounting information system 會計信息系統
accounting internationalization 會計國際化
accounting journals 會計雜志
accounting legislation 會計法規
accounting manual 會計手冊
accounting objective 會計目標
accounting period 會計期
accounting policies 會計政策
accounting postulate 會計假設
accounting practice 會計實務
accounting principle 會計原則
Accounting Principle Board 會計原則委員會
accounting proceres 會計程序
accounting profession 會計職業,會計專業
accounting rate of return 會計收益率
accounting records 會計記錄,會計簿籍
Accounting Review 《會計評論》
accounting rules 會計規則
Accounting Series Release 《會計公告文件》
accounting service 會計服務
accounting software 會計軟體
accounting standard 會計標准,會計准則
accounting standardization 會計標准化
Accounting Standards Board 會計准則委員會(英)
Accounting Standards Committee 會計准則委員會(英)
accounting system ①會計制度②會計系統
accounting technique 會計技術
accounting theory 會計理論
accounting transaction 會計業務,會計賬務
Accounting Trend and Techniques 《會計趨勢和會計技術》
accounting unit 會計單位
accounting valuation 會計計價
accounting year 會計年度
accounts 會計賬簿,會計報表
account sales 承銷清單,承銷報告單
accounts payable 應付賬款
accounts receivable 應收賬款
accounts receivable aging schele 應收賬款賬齡分析表
accounts receivable assigned 已轉讓應收賬款
accounts receivable collection period 應收賬款收款期
accounts receivable discounted 已貼現應收賬款
accounts receivable financing 應收賬款籌資,應收賬款融資
accounts receivable management 應收賬款管理
accounts receivable turnover 應收賬款周轉率,應收賬款周轉次數
accretion 增殖
accrual basis accounting 應計制會計,權責發生制會計
accrued asset 應計資產
accrued expense 應計費用
accrued liability 應計負債
accrued revenue 應計收入
accumulated depreciation 累計折舊
accumulated dividend 累計股利
accumulated earnings tax 累積盈餘稅,累積收益稅
accumulation 累積,累計
acid test ratio 酸性試驗比率
acquired company 被盤購公司,被兼並公司
acquisition 購置,盤購
acquisition accounting 盤購會計
acquisition cost 購置成本
acquisition decision 購置決策
acquisition excess 盤購超支
acquisition surplus 盤購盈餘
across-the-board 全面調整
ACT 預交公司稅
act 法案,法規
action 起訴,訴訟
active account 活動賬戶
active assets 活動資產
activity 業務活動,作業
activity account 作業賬戶
activity accounting 作業會計
activity ratio 業務活動比率
activity variance 業務活動量差異
act of bankruptcy 破產法
act of company 公司法
act of God 天災,不可抗力
actual capital 實際資本
actual value 實際價值
actual wage 實際工資
added value 增值
added value statement 增值表
added value tax 增值稅
addition 增置,擴建
additional depreciation 附加折舊,補提折舊
additional paid-in capital 附加實繳資本
additional tax 附加稅
adequate disclosure 充分披露
adjunct account 附加賬戶
adjustable-rate bond 可調整利率債券
adjusted gross income 調整後收益總額,調整後所得總額
adjusted trial balance 調整後試算表
adjusting entry 調整分錄
adjustment 調整
adjustment account 調整賬戶
adjustment bond 調整債券
administrative accounting 行政管理會計
administrative budget 行政管理預算
administrative expense 行政管理費用
ADR 資產折舊年限幅度
ad valorem tax 從價稅
advance 預付款,墊付款
advance corporation tax 預交公司稅
advances from customers 預收客戶款
advance to suppliers 預付貨款
adventure 投機經營,短期經營
adverse opinion 反面意見,否定意見
adverse variance 不利差異,逆差
advisory services 咨詢服務
affiliated company 聯營公司
affiliation 聯營
after closing trial balance 結賬後試算表
after cost 售後成本
after date 出票後兌付
after sight 見票後兌付
after-tax 稅後
AGA 政府會計師聯合會
age 壽命,賬齡,資產使用年限
age allowance 年齡減免
age analysis 賬齡分析
agency 代理,代理關系
agency commission 代理傭金
agency fund 代管基金
agenda 議事日程,備忘錄
agent 代理商,代理人
aggregate balance sheet 合並資產負債表
aggregate income statement 合並損益表
AGI 調整後收益總額,調整後所得總額
aging of accounts receivable 應收賬款賬齡分析
aging schele 賬齡表
agio 貼水,折價
agiotage 匯兌業務,兌換業務
AGM 年度股東大會
agreement 協議
agreement of partnership 合夥協議
AICPA 美國注冊公共會計師協會
AIS 會計信息系統
all capital earnings rate 資本總額收益率
all-inclusive income concept 總括收益概念
allocation 分攤,分配
allocation criteria 分配標准
allotment ①分配,撥付②分配數,撥付數
allowance ①備抵②折讓③津貼
allowance for bad debts 呆賬備抵
allowance for depreciation 折舊備抵賬戶
allowance method 備抵法
all-purpose financial statement 通用財務報表,通用會計報表
alpha risk 阿爾法風險,第一種審計風險
altered check 塗改支票
alternative accounting methods 可選擇性會計方法
alternative proposals 替代方案,備選方案
amalgamation 企業合並
American Accounting Association 美國會計學會
American depository receipts 美國銀行證券存單,美國銀行證券托存收據
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 美國注冊會計師協會,美國注冊公共會計師協會
American option 美式期權
American Stock Exchange 美國股票交易所
amortization ①攤銷②攤還
amortized cost 攤余成本
amount 金額,合計
amount differ 金額不符
amount e 到期金額
amount of 1 dollar 1元的本利和
analysis 分析
analyst 分析師
analytical review 分析性檢查
annual audit 年度審計
annual closing 年度結賬
annual general meeting 年度股東大會
annualize 按年折算
annualized net present value 折算年度凈現值
annual report 年度報告
annuity 年金
annuity e 期初年金
annuity in advance 預付年金
annuity in arrears 遲付年金
annuity method of depreciation 年金折舊法
antedate 填早日期
anticipation 預計,預列
anti-dilution clause 防止稀釋條款
anti-pollution investment 消除污染投資
anti-profiteering tax 反暴利稅
anti-tax avoidance 反避稅
anti-trust legislation 反拖拉斯立法
A/P 應付賬款
APB 會計原則委員會
APB Opinion 《會計原則委員會意見書》
Application 申請,申請書
applied overhead 已分配間接費用
appraisal 估價
appraisal capital 評估資本
appraisal surplus 估價盈餘
appraiser 估價員,估價師
appreciation 增值
appropriated retained earnings 已撥定留存收益,已指定用途留存收益
appropriation 撥款,指撥經費
appropriation account ①撥款賬戶②留存收益分配賬戶
appropriation budget 撥款預算
approval 核定,審批
approved account 核定賬戶
approved bond 核定債券
A/R 應收賬款
arbitrage 套利,套匯
arbitrage transaction 套利業務,套匯業務
arbitration 仲裁,公斷
arithmetical error 算術誤差
arm,s-length price 正常價格,公正價格
arm,s-length transaction 一臂之隔交易,正常交易
ARR 會計收益率
arrears ①拖欠,欠款②遲付
arrestment 財產扣押
Authur Anderson & Co. 約瑟•安德森會計師事務所,安達信會計師事務所
article 文件條文,合同條款
articles of incorporation 公司章程
articles of partnership 合夥契約
articulate 環接
articulated concept 環接觀念
artificial intelligence 人工智慧
ASB 審計准則委員會
ASE 美國股票交易所
Asian Development Bank 亞洲開發銀行
Asian dollar 亞洲美元
asking price 索價,賣方報價
assessed value 估定價值
assessment ①估定,查定②特別稅捐,特別攤派稅捐
asset 資產
asset cover 資產擔保,資產保證
asset depreciation range 資產折舊年限幅度
asset-liability view 資產—負債觀念
asset quality 資產質量
asset retirement 資產退役,資產報廢
asset revaluation 資產重估價
asset stripping 資產剝離,資產拆賣
asset structure 資產結構
asset turnover 資產周轉率
asset valuation 資產計價
assignment of accounts receivable 應收賬款轉讓
associated company 聯屬公司,附屬公司
Association of Government Accounting 政府會計師協會
assumed liability 承擔債務,承付債務
AT 稅後
at cost 按成本
at par 按票面額,平價
at sight 見票兌付,即期兌付
attached account 被查封賬戶
attachment 扣押,查封
attest 證明,驗證
attestation 證明書,鑒定書
audit 審核,審計
auditability 可審核性
audit committee 審計委員會
audit coverage 審計范圍
audited financial statement 審定財務報表,審定會計報表
audit evidence 審計證據,審計憑證
Audit Guides 《審計指南》
auditing ①審計②審計學
auditing procere 審計程序
auditing process 審計過程
auditing standard 審計標准,審計准則
Auditing Standards Board 審計准則委員會
Auditor 審計員,審計師
auditor general 審計主任,總審計
auditor,s legal liability 審計師法律責任
auditor,s opinion 審計師意見書
auditor,s report 審計師報告,查賬報告
audit program 審計工作計劃
audit report 審計報告
audit risk 審計風險
audit sampling 審計抽樣
audit software 審計軟體
audit test 審計抽查
audit trail 審計脈絡,審計線索
audit working paper 審計工作底稿
authorized capital stock 核定股本,法定股本
automated clearing house 自動票據交換所
automated teller machine 自動取款機
automatic transfer service 自動轉賬服務
available asset 可用資產
available inventory 可用存貨
average balance 平均余額
average collection period 平均收款期
average cost 平均成本
average-cost method 平均成本法
average inventory 平均存貨,平均庫存
average life 平均壽命,平均使用年限
average payment period (of accounts payable) 應付賬款平均付款期
average rate of return 平均收益率
averages 股票價格平均指數
avoidable cost 可避免成本

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❹ 請教高手,英語翻譯 債務融資工具承銷業務市場

Debt financing instruments underwriting business market

❺ 請提供一些次貸危機的相關英文詞彙


The subprime mortgage crisis is a current economic problem characterized by contracted liquidity in the global credit markets and banking system. An undervaluation of real risk in the subprime market ultimately resulted in cascades and ripple effects affecting the world economy generally.

The crisis began with the bursting of the US housing bubble and high default rates on "subprime" and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM). Loan incentives, such as easy initial terms, in conjunction with an acceleration in rising housing prices encouraged borrowers to assume difficult mortgages on the belief they would be able to quickly refinance at more favorable terms.

The mortgage lenders that retained credit risk (the risk of payment default) were the first to be affected, as borrowers became unable or unwilling to make payments. Major banks and other financial institutions around the world have reported losses of approximately U.S. $435 billion as of July 17, 2008.

次貸危機:Subprime mortgage crisis
美國房地產泡沫:US housing bubble
無法償還房貸和喪失抵押贖回權:home-loan defaults and foreclosures
發放次貸的出貸方:subprime lenders
借貸打包證券和銀行持有的投資組合:loans packaged into securities and held in bank portfolios
可調整的貸款利率:adjustable-rate mortgages(ARM)
貸款欺詐:fraulent loans
信用危機:credit risk
住房抵押貸款證券mortgage-backed securities(MBS)
抵押債務:collateralized debt obligations(CDO)
機構投資者:institutional investors

以上是我總結的一些基本詞彙 樓主考研加油哦

❻ 求救……金融英語

Commercial banks may engage in some or all of the following business operations:第三條 商業銀行可以經營下列部分或者全部業務:

(1) taking in deposits from the general public;

(2) granting short

❼ 英文翻譯

business scope of the bank:
(一)吸收公眾存款; absorb the public deposit
(二)發放短期、中期和長期貸款;provide short-term、mid-term and long-term loan (三)辦理國內外結算; handle account settlement both at home and abroad
(四)辦理票據承兌與貼現; handle bill acceptance and discount
(五)發行金融債券;grant financial bond
(六)代理發行、代理兌付、承銷政府債券;the authority to act for issuing,cashing and consigninggovernment bond
(七)買賣政府債券、金融債券; buy and sell government bond and financial bond(八)從事同業拆借; offerinter-bank loan
(九)買賣、代理買賣外匯; buy and sell foreign exchange as well as act for it
(十)從事銀行卡業務; do the business of bank card
十一)提供信用證服務及擔保; provide service and guarantee of letter of credit
(十二)代理收付款項及代理保險業務; the authority to act for payment and receipt of money and for the insurance business
(十三)提供保管箱服務; provide safekeeping service
(十四)經國務院銀行業監督管理機構批準的其他業務。other business approved by the banking supervison and administration institution of state council

❽ 英語好的幫翻譯一下,內容太專業了。。。。。

Village commercial bank in Shanghai is whole change the system to establish in aring used the foundation of agency the whole citieses an allied agency, 14 area counties allied agency and 219 letter from homes of share system commercial bank, its origin can trace back to a Chinese village cooperation to turn to exercise initial stage till 50's in 20th century and have already had more than 50 years of history up to now.
Continuously making great effort of the person after long-term development and a few agriculture letters, village commercial bank in Shanghai has already become village finance in Shanghai of the importance constitute part, is one of more influential Shanghai financing institutions.Currently, village commercial bank in Shanghai owns business net to order 330, the employee amounts about 4000 people.Up to August 22, 2005, village commercial bank in Shanghai total property is about 116,000,000,000 dollars, various savings surplus amounts reach to 96,800,000,000 dollars, and various loan surplus amounts reach to 56,500,000,000 dollars and support to have a certain market position in the bank organization in the whole citieses.

Village commercial bank in Shanghai will set up and carry out science to develop a view in inheritting village reputation agency developing history, service special feature and cultural traditional foundation for more than 50 years after establishing and insist the principle of management of "match a rules by law, steady management, have a foothold farsighted, brave creative, cultivate a special feature" and insist the community type of service"three agricultures"s and suburb economy basic fixed position that retails bank and build up sound and modern commercial bank's concting management system and mechanism, speed the business development, perfect and inner-controlled mechanism and risk management system, repay society, requite customer, requite shareholder, fight for soon construction become "the capital is ample, inner-controlled and tight, luck camp safety, service is as good as efficiency", and have the modern village commercial bank of oneself special feature.

The village commercial bank management scope in Shanghai is:Absorb public savings;Issue a short date, middle and lend money over a long period of time;Carry out domestic and international balance of accounts;Carry out note acceptance and discount;Act for issue and agency to exchange to pay, underwriting government bond;The business government bond, financial bond;Be engaged in same professions to dismantle to borrow;Be engaged in bank card service;The foreign exchange savings, impact loan, foreign exchange remittance, international balance of accounts, the same profession foreign exchange dismantles to borrow, property letter survey, consult with witness business;The agency accepts payment item and agency insurance business;Provide the preservation box service;Through the Chinese banking direct manage committee approval of other business.

❾ 求關於會計的一些常用英文單詞,謝謝!!!!


1、股票 Short-term investments - stock


2、銀行承兌匯票 Bank acceptance


3、應收利息 Interest receivable


4、庫存商品 Finished goods


5、長期投資 Long-term investment


6、現金 Cash


7、減值准備 Depreciation reserves


8、固定資產 Fixed assets


9、累計折舊 Accumulated depreciation


10、在建工程 Construction-in-process


❿ 請問大家,投行對英語要求比較高,具體高到什麼程度,要求什麼證書么,口語呢

事實上國內大多數投行對英語都沒什麼特別要求 六級以上就可以了回 因為在大陸的股票和債券承答銷的具體業務中英語用處不大 對英語要求高的是外資投行 包括一些合資投行 那個就不是證的問題了 進外資投行的人有海外背景的很多 國內也都是頂尖名校出身 英語只是工作語言 並不算特長 所以有沒有什麼證無所謂 如果實在想有個什麼東西來證明 可以去考一下托福、雅思之類的出國考試 還是能在一定程度上證明英文水平的 在外資投行里 語言是最不重要的能力 這絕對是真的



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