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債券的一些英文日期問題= =

因為債券是可以在二級市場交易的,交易日可以出現在債券有效期內的任何時候(不止是債券發行日或發放票息的日子),這個日子被稱為settlement date。在計算債券交易的Full price的時候會用到

⑵ 高級債券與次級債券的區別和聯系









⑶ 什麼是次級債券次級債券分類有哪些

次級債券,是指償還次序優於公司股本權益、但低於公司一般債務的一種債務形式。各種證券的求償權優先順序為:一般債務 次級債務 優先股 普通股,求償權優先順序越高的證券,風險越低,期望收益也越低,反之亦然。機構往往基於自身情況,根據CAPM模型按一定比例配置資產,以均衡自身承擔的風險和獲取的收益。潘大要特別說明的是,次級債里的次級,與銀行貸款五級分類法(正常、關注、次級、可疑、損失)里的次級貸款中的次級是完全不同的概念。次級債券里的次級僅指其求償權次級,並不代表其信用等級一定次級;而五級分類法里的次級則是與可疑、損失一並劃歸為不良貸款的范圍。次級債券分類有哪些:
作為附屬資本的次級債券根據有無償還期限還可分為高級附屬資本(Upper TierⅡ)和低級附屬資本(Lower TierⅡ)兩類。
在銀行發生破產和清償時,高級附屬資本工具(Upper TierⅡ)的償付次序位於高級債權人和低級附屬資本工具持有人之後,且銀行有權推遲支付此類資本工具的利息,並且可以無限期暫停支付所有本息,高級附屬資本工具的最低期限為10年或為永久性。
與此相對的是低級附屬資本工具(Lower TierⅡ),在銀行發生破產和清償時,其償付順序僅僅位於高級債權人之後,此類資本工具的最低期限為5年。銀行通常是在市場狀況不適宜發行股票的時候發行低級附屬資本工具,用以提高銀行的資本充足率。

⑷ 求關於美國次級債發生的英文文獻。

The subprime mortgage financial crisis of 2007 was a sharp rise in home foreclosures which started in the United States ring the fall of 2006 and became a global financial crisis within a year.

The crisis began with the bursting of the housing bubble in the U.S.[1][2] and high default rates on "subprime", adjustable rate, "Alt-A", and other mortgage loans made to higher-risk borrowers with lower income or lesser credit history than "prime" borrowers. The share of subprime mortgages to total originations increased from 9% in 1996, to 20% in 2006.[3] Further, loan incentives including "interest only" repayment terms and low initial teaser rates (which later reset to higher, floating rates) encouraged borrowers to assume mortgages believing they would be able to refinance at more favorable terms later. While U.S. housing prices continued to increase ring the 1996-2006 period, refinancing was available. However, once housing prices started to drop moderately in 2006-2007 in many parts of the U.S., refinancing became more difficult. Defaults and foreclosure activity increased dramatically. By October 2007, 16% of subprime loans with adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) were 90-days delinquent or in foreclosure proceedings, roughly triple the rate of 2005.[4] By January of 2008, this number increased to 21%.[5] As of December 22, 2007, a leading business periodical estimated subprime defaults would reach a level between U.S. $200-300 billion.[6]

The mortgage lenders that retained credit risk (the risk of payment default) were the first to be affected, as borrowers became unable or unwilling to make payments. Major banks and other financial institutions have reported losses of approximately U.S. $100 billion as of January 16, 2008, as cited below. Due to a form of financial engineering called securitization, many mortgage lenders had passed the rights to the mortgage payments and related credit/default risk to third-party investors via mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Indivial and institutional investors holding MBS faced significant losses, as the value of the underlying mortgage assets and payment streams declined and became difficult to predict.

In addition, certain legal entities designed to isolate this risk from the originating lenders, called collateralized debt obligations (CDO) and structured investment vehicles (SIV), held substantial amounts of MBS. As the value of payments into these entities declined, their value also declined, forcing the sale of MBS at fire sale prices in some instances.

The widespread dispersion of credit risk and the unclear impact on large banks, MBS, CDO, and SIV caused banks to rece their loans to each other or make them at higher interest rates. Similarly, the ability of corporations to obtain funds through the issuance of commercial paper was impacted. The liquidity concerns drove central banks around the world to take action to provide funds to member banks to encourage the lending of funds to worthy borrowers and to re-invigorate the commercial paper markets.

The combination of impacts e to credit risk and liquidity risk caused several major corporations and hedge funds to shut down or file for bankruptcy. Stock market declines among both depository and non-depository financial corporations were dramatic. Many hedge funds and other institutional investors holding MBS also incurred significant losses.

With interest rates on a large number of subprime mortgages e to adjust upward ring the 2008 period, U.S. legislators and the U.S. Treasury Department are taking action. A systematic program to limit or defer interest rate adjustments was implemented to limit the impact. In addition, lenders and borrowers facing defaults have been encouraged to cooperate to enable borrowers to stay in their homes. Restrictions on lending practices are under consideration. Many lenders have stopped subprime lending or dramatically curtailed it.

⑸ 高級債券和次級債券分別怎麼翻譯

高級債券:senior bond;
次級債券:subordinated bond或junior bond。

⑹ 求助!關於主債權、從債權、保證債券、抵押債權的英文解釋!



⑺ MBS(抵押貸款債券),CDO(組合抵押債券)的英文全稱是什麼

MBS:Mortgage-Backed Security, 抵押支持債券或者抵押貸款證券化。MBS是最早的資產證券化品種。回最早產生於60年代答美國。
CDO:(Collateralized Debt Obligation,擔保債務憑證),資產證券化家族中重要的組成部分。它的標的資產通常是信貸資產或債券。這也就衍生出了它按資產分類的重要的兩個分支:CLO(Collateralised Loan Obligation)和CBO(Collateralised Bond Obligation)。前者指的是信貸資產的證券化,後者指的是市場流通債券的再證券化。但是它們都統稱為CDO。

⑻ 什麼是次級債券

各種證券的求償權優先順序為:一般債務 次級債務 優先股 普通股,求償內權優先順序越高的容證券,風險越低,期望收益也越低,反之亦然。機構往往基於自身情況,根據CAPM模型按一定比例配置資產,以均衡自身承擔的風險和獲取的收益。潘大要特別說明的是,次級債里的「次級」,與銀行貸款五級分類法(正常、關注、次級、可疑、損失)里的「次級貸款」中的「次級」是完全不同的概念。次級債券里的「次級」僅指其求償權「次級」,並不代表其信用等級一定「次級」;而五級分類法里的「次級」則是與「可疑」、「損失」一並劃歸為不良貸款的范圍。
次級貸款 貸方在提供貸款前首先要對申請貸款者的信用度進行審查,只有符合要求的申請人才能得到貸款。但是許多沒有信用紀錄,或者信用紀錄不佳(如曾有違約或拖欠紀錄)的人同樣有借款的需求,次級抵押貸款正是為了滿足這種需求而出現的。所謂次級,是針對貸款利率而言,而不是次級人、低等人的意思。次級抵押貸款的利率要高於普通抵押貸款的利率,以此彌補貸款方所承擔的更大違約風險。

⑼ 什麼是優先順序債券

















⑽ 美國的次級債危機 用英文是怎麼說的啊

subprime debt crisis



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